Friday, May 29, 2009

Procrastination Nation.

It has been too long, miscellaneous and few readers of this forgotten blog.
It has been much too long.
Perhaps the only reason I've remembered this poor little link is because my dearest dear friend just popped on it to let me know that she's back on track with the blogging thing.
Perhaps I've just been avoiding this thingamajigger?
Well whatever the case, I think I may stick up a link to my friend's blog, because she is just gorgeous. I do not know what good it'll do her in the way of traffic (actually I do; zip), but it is the thought that counts, n'est ce pas? She's a beaut.
Well I looked at my last post and realized that it was a bitch about summatives. Oh my, has it really been that long? Because it is summative time again here in Ottawa. Second semester is a little kinder this time around, but wait, no that's a lie.
I have a monstrous Geo summative to finish by monday, and I will have absolutely zero time on the weekend to work on it. FML.
Oh I am just going crazy with the links today, aren't I?
Well I'd best be going to try to get some work done so I don't completely flunk Geo, but it was nice seeing you again blog, and the best to you.

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