Friday, October 10, 2008

Kay. It's friday, and it's 8:36, and Shannon is complaining that she's bored. Well....shesh.
My dad came in to tell us about men wearing really low pants and talking on msn. I'm not sure why. I think my dad's mentally slow. Thought-impaired. All that good stuffs.
I can hear Shannon breathing. It is, I must say, I very...arousing sound.
She has the most adorable laugh. I bet you didn't know that, well, now you do.
I think I'm going to mostly talk about Shannon. Since she's right there.
Her toesnails are pink. Well, apparently orange, but I think that's total bullshit, since they look pink from here. She just shoved her foot in my face to prove me wrong. It didn't work.
Shannon always paints her nails. It's really amusing, since they're always really pretty and mine are like covered in paint and gross things from the bottom of my locker.
Her leg is shaved. Mine is not. I am thinking that I really should shave soon, since my knees look pretty damn gross right now.
Shannon has a pretty nose. (:
She also has pretty eyes. They're brown, but not like, flat brown, they're all pretty and sometimes have little bits of green and lighter brown in them. They are the coolest brown eyes I ever really took the time to look at. So really, that's like, one out of three. But that's okay, they're still pretty.
I wonder what happened to Keidan? I think she died from paint fumes, which apparently we are high on according to my parents. My mom is annoying. Bleh.
Shannon dyed her hair orange, but now it's just sort orangey blonde. I really wanna dye my hair, or at least some part of it, pink. Since this brown colour is getting on my nerves. And I've only had it for what? A month?
I can hear Shannon breathing.. It makes me feel stalkerish.
That's cool, she knows I stalk her anyways, all the time. Mmmhmm.


shanshanquins said...

lmfao, I love this post. It makes me smile (:
Hey. My nails are orange. GEEZE. >.<
ILY. <333

Emmmy. said...

I saw all of this happen. (:<