Saturday, November 8, 2008

Of Love, Mary Poppins, and Fenway Park

So today, I have the most exciting of plans. Definitely. Instead of going with Shannon to Gannanakway (which, if you can't tell, I have no idea how to spell) I'm heading to the library for about two hours, and if allowed, going along with my friend to watch him buy clothes. If I'm lucky, I can drag Emmy along too.
And since I mentioned the library, I'm going to tell you all about my new favorite book of all time. It's called My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger. It's told through three diaries of three freshman high-schoolers. Usually, I absolutely can't stand this way of telling a story, I always feel like I missed something, or that the feeling of reading a story is lost. But not in this case, everything is re-told perfectly, including little things like notes from one parent to the next, and IM's. Then, there's the story itself, which is amazing. The basic plot is of a boy trying to get a girl, and another boy figuring out his relationship with his boyfriend. But then, a deaf boy and a dead mother are thrown in and everything gets emotional. Steve Kluger writes wonderful stories, (remind me to sometime tell you about Almost Like Being In Love) and this is no exception. You all must go out, right now, track down this book and read it. Seriously.

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